Black Ally Program

Lasana O. Hotep

Many schools and colleges have opportunities for students and educators to participate in ally programs. These programs are essential to create an understanding of challenges facing specific populations and strategies that can be employed to foster a more welcoming and supportive environment. Campuses that seek to foster enhanced outcomes for Black students and educators must similarly ensure that their communities are engaged in professional learning that enhances their ability to support their Black/African American community. While many organizations have released statements affirming their support of Black people and communities, these statements must translate to real change and action. We will explore frameworks and strategies toward addressing this phenomenon that are sustainable, transformative and rooted in justice at both the individual and institutional levels. 

Layer_1 (15)

15 Hr

Layer_1 (16)

4 Credits

Layer_1 (17)

15 Hr

Layer_1 (18)

Certificate with 1.5 CEUs

Black Ally Program – “Dismantling Anti-Blackness on Your Campus: Core Competencies for Allies”



Welcome to the professional development program on Supporting Men of Color in the Community College. Prior to beginning the course you will need to access the book that accompanies the training. The book is available in e-format and access can be purchased here. If your campus is a current partner, contact your representative for information on how to access the book.

Following the completion of each activity, you will need to mark the activity as “Complete”.

To complete the program, learners must complete the following activities:


2. Review all video modules– There are four video modules in all. Our learning management system allows participants and faculty to review learner progress in completing video modules.

3. Read the assigned readings– There are assigned readings that are aligned with each of the modules. It is an expectation that readings will be completed before reviewing the module. The readings are comprehensive in nature, as such, we recommend planning ahead to ensure readings are completed on schedule. Comprehension of material will be gauged through the live interactive sessions.

4. Attend the live video sessions– As part of the training, learners will have access to course faculty during live video sessions. This is an opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue that is solution-oriented. It is expected that all learners will attend at least one live session. The live video sessions take place on select Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:00-5:00 pm Pacific Time (7:00 EST). Live sessions will be recorded and sent out for those who are unable to attend.

5. Complete short quizzes– Following each recorded presentation you will complete a brief quiz assessing your understanding of the material. Quizzes can be completed an unlimited number of times. It is recommend that you re-take quizzes until you correctly answer all questions.

6. Participate in asynchronous discussion forums– As you complete each module, we encourage you to identify questions, comments, and reactions to the material as well as relevant resources and post them in the discussion forums. This is an opportunity for learners to engage in dialogue and knowledge sharing.

CORA Policies

DISCLOSURE The Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement (CORA) its employees, affiliates, and contractors shall disclose to learners, prior to the start of the learning event, any instructor’s proprietary interest in products, instruments, devices, services or materials discussed, as well as the source of any compensation related to the presentation. This should occur at the commencement of any learning event.

NON-DISCRIMINATION The Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement (CORA) its employees, affiliates, and contractors shall not discriminate against any individual or make explicit references of a discriminator nature based on gender, gender identity, race/ethnicity, religion, age, disability, socioeconomic status, and/or sexual orientation.

Click here to view the picture guide on introduction of the training website.
Download the guide!

Module 1

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

Moral Choices: Towards a Conceptual Model of Black Male Moral Development

Module 2 - Theoretical Foundations for Teaching Boys of Color

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

Module 3

After participating in this module, learners will be able to:

  • Understand dispositions that are fostered by enhanced personal relationships with boys and young men of color
  • Identify overarching categories of practices that can be used to foster personal relationships with Black and Latino males
  • Understand ways in which educators can levy theories on male of color success to inform relationship-building strategies

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

Module 4 - Support Strategies and Practices

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

Live Video Session

These sessions will provide an opportunity for learners to interact with Faculty, ask questions about course content, and share ideas and activities from your campus.

  • Please be prepared with 2 questions for the Faculty
  • Please test your system early to be sure you are prepared for the session

Live Video Session dates are listed in the course Live Session module and occur on selected Wednesday and Friday Afternoons from 2-3pm PST. You must complete at least 1 live video sessions to receive your certificate. You can request for the recording of the live video sessions and it will be made available to you once the session is complete.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy this Course.

Certificate of Completion

To obtain your certificate of completion. Please make sure you have viewed, completed, and marked all activities as complete.

The content of this lesson is locked. To unlock it, you need to Buy the Course.

About Instructor

Lasana O. Hotep
Lasana O. Hotep
Lasana O. Hotep is an antiracist/antisexist educator, writer, and equity-advancing executive coach. He writes and speaks globally about educational equity, anti- Blackness, and racial justice within organizations and society at-large. He has delivered transformative, multi-media presentations throughout the United States and abroad in Beijing, China and Accra, Ghana. As a writer, he has contributed to seven books and is the co-author of the recently published Minding the Obligation Gap in Community Colleges and Beyond: Theory and Practice in Achieving Educational Equity. For over 20 years, Lasana has provided equity-advancing consultation to academic institutions, community-based organizations, and corporations. Some of his most note-worthy accomplishments include developing the Equity Training series (ETS) and serving as the founding Executive Director of the Equity Institute (EI). Currently, Lasana serves as the Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) at the University of California, Berkeley.